Man With Ice Dragon Markings on Face Art Fantasy

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Sep 27, 2020 rated information technology liked information technology
I really liked the setting but the flow of the story was pretty bad and almost all the dialogues were stilted and only terrible.


I really liked the setting but the menses of the story was pretty bad and almost all the dialogues were stilted and just terrible.


Lavender  Knight
This book was everything I expected from it without being overly cliche.
I've seen other reviews that criticise the book maxim that nothing too interesting happens and I have to disagree.

Yes, the pace is a lot slower than many other fantasy novels just how fast practice you expect to move on the snow 😂? Jokes aside I think the enjoyment of this book lies in following the details. Every little thing counts and helps to build upwardly the tension.

In that location'due south a few things I really like about this book.

I like th

This book was everything I expected from it without being overly platitude.
I've seen other reviews that criticise the volume saying that null too interesting happens and I have to disagree.

Yeah, the pace is a lot slower than many other fantasy novels merely how fast do you wait to move on the snow 😂? Jokes bated I call back the enjoyment of this book lies in following the details. Every little affair counts and helps to build up the tension.

There'due south a few things I really like about this book.

I like that the primary character grows in the volume. He has a specific perception that he doesn't want to alter for anything until he realises that there was more than meets the eye. He changes his mindset eventually.

I also like that he didn't immediately get his 'power' from the pearls. He tried and tried and tried and failed continuously even when he was in danger. He wasn't the cliche hero who could miraculously yield powers on the first or 2nd try. I just recollect that information technology made him more existent.

The description of the setting was dandy. The mood is easily created and honestly you volition really enjoy reading this book on a common cold day. It merely enhances the experience :D.

Aug 20, 2020 rated information technology it was amazing
An fantabulous, if chilled read

Make certain to be most a hot fire when reading, cause at that place certain are many descriptions and moments that made my toes feel frozen while reading! I loved the story and cant await to read Book ii and go to know the dragon!

May 08, 2020 rated it it was ok
Dragon Misfits is the quaternary series of the author that i have read and abandoned. I liken the author to Bella Forrest, they both create varied and interesting settings but the story is a let downwards.

I had misgivings from the 1st book but finally gave up on the third book Woods Dragon. This is a attestation to how the globe created was alluring and drew me in despite the poor storyline. The author has a rambling writing manner that tin can be hard to follow and lacks flow specially the endless repetition

Dragon Misfits is the quaternary series of the author that i have read and abandoned. I liken the author to Bella Forrest, they both create varied and interesting settings but the story is a let down.

I had misgivings from the 1st book but finally gave up on the tertiary book Forest Dragon. This is a testament to how the world created was alluring and drew me in despite the poor storyline. The writer has a rambling writing style that can be hard to follow and lacks catamenia peculiarly the endless repetition of earlier parts of the story ( the amount of times the death of the main characters father is mentioned is ridiculous, no we exercise not demand reminding of this every chapter!!)

The illusion part of the story is just pure craziness from starting time to finish. The plot only seems to be made upwardly as we get along without information technology beingness fully planned from offset to terminate to make sure that information technology remains consequent. Ane of my many faults as a reader is I can't overlook inconsistentcy. In these fictional settings the author makes all the rules so they shouldn't exist breaking them.

The author lacks adequate description of the utilize of magic that they have invented, using the words 'Button' 'Pull' and 'Describe' over and once again doesn't give the reader any idea of what is happening.

Dec 28, 2020 rated information technology really liked it
Non quite sure what rating to give this one... three.75 stars? There's a fiddling disconnect in the commencement where some things are repeated. Perchance the author edited the showtime or something that caused information technology. Non super noticeable, though.

So we spend a LOT of time wandering around in the snow. At least the cold of the snow is believable. I've read too many books where it isn't.

The plot is relatively simplistic in that in that location was a point in the story where I wondered if information technology was a YA book. And, yup, it

Not quite certain what rating to give this one... 3.75 stars? There's a little disconnect in the beginning where some things are repeated. Maybe the author edited the get-go or something that caused it. Not super noticeable, though.

Then we spend a LOT of time wandering effectually in the snow. At least the common cold of the snow is conceivable. I've read besides many books where it isn't.

The plot is relatively simplistic in that there was a signal in the story where I wondered if it was a YA book. And, yup, it is. So, that explains quite a few things and I adjusted my viewpoint.

I like the characters enough to desire to read the next book in the serial. What happened to the affair he stuck in his pocket?

Would I read information technology again? Yeah, I think I would which says quite a bit considering all of the books I haven't had the patience to fifty-fifty finish. Lol

Dec sixteen, 2021 rated it liked information technology
I've mostly enjoyed the series and read to the end just to see what happens. I find the books curiously devoid of emotion - the characters rarely experience anything or brand a joke, it'south quite strange. There's no real semblance of relationship betwixt humans, dragons or both. The sentence structure is short and to the point plus the books are full of typos so it's non an easy read, I constitute I skipped through a lot of quite repetitive prose. That said, I love dragons and magic and the fashion they are prese I've mostly enjoyed the series and read to the end but to run across what happens. I find the books curiously devoid of emotion - the characters rarely feel annihilation or make a joke, it's quite strange. There'due south no real semblance of human relationship between humans, dragons or both. The sentence structure is short and to the point plus the books are full of typos then it's not an easy read, I found I skipped through a lot of quite repetitive prose. That said, I love dragons and magic and the way they are presented here is novel and interesting. I thought the plot was gripping enough to read all 6 books. Not certain I'd read more by this author every bit I constitute it all a bit strangely written, but if like me you read via monthly subscription to your kindle and yous need to pass a few pleasant hours without thinking also hard, then do give the series a try. Could definitely be better written! ...more than
Aileen Dodge
May 24, 2020 rated it really liked information technology
Start time for everything!!!

Really shocked at how much this book seem to drag on... (no pun intended). I have e'er actually enjoyed reading D.M. Holmberg books along with my Grandsons. The both of them learned how fantastic reading a good book can be. I have e'er read books either to them or with them and I am sure this is how they learned stay at home adventures can exist had when really getting into a great book. Both of them really like this author'southward books. They didn't agree with me about the

First time for everything!!!

Really shocked at how much this book seem to drag on... (no pun intended). I have always really enjoyed reading D.K. Holmberg books along with my Grandsons. The both of them learned how fantastic reading a expert volume can be. I have e'er read books either to them or with them and I am sure this is how they learned stay at domicile adventures tin exist had when really getting into a great book. Both of them actually similar this writer'southward books. They didn't agree with me about the drag in the story line. And that just might be my onetime encephalon rushing to go more books read before I'thou chosen to the other side!! (Possible explanation, LMAO) So the 3 of use will at present move on to reading the adjacent book in The Dragon Misfits series. BTW my GS are thirteen and xv.

Jan 03, 2020 rated it liked it
A adept story begins. Information technology starts a bit slow but DK Holmberg delivers a adept, strong novel. Once I started this book I didn't stop until I finished it. A good story begins. It starts a fleck slow but DK Holmberg delivers a good, strong novel. Once I started this book I didn't terminate until I finished it. ...more
Mar 19, 2021 rated information technology actually liked it
Jason is a young man, a hunter who lives in the cold desolate mountains trying his all-time to provide for his ill female parent and sister. Since his father'south expiry Jason has lived hating dragons who had killed his father equally he saved Tessa a young woman from the same village. Jason was dissimilar to the other beau of the village and was ofttimes bullied by Reltash and his cronies, who were all bigger than him. Jason had the dragon sight which singled him out every bit a misfit and life was tough for the family unit Jason is a young man, a hunter who lives in the cold desolate mountains trying his all-time to provide for his sick mother and sis. Since his father's death Jason has lived hating dragons who had killed his father as he saved Tessa a young woman from the same village. Jason was different to the other fellow of the village and was often bullied by Reltash and his cronies, who were all bigger than him. Jason had the dragon sight which singled him out as a misfit and life was tough for the family who barely survived from solar day to day. On the nighttime of the festival a stranger comes into Jason's life and changes his life forever. Therin Dargish besides has the dragon sight and he gave Jason a dragon pearl, but he did not know how to utilise this or its value so when he travelled down the mountain to a boondocks he idea to trade this for supplies. William, another young man offered to assistance him simply all he did was go poor Jason into trouble. Jason was very naïve, never having been off the mountain before. He encounters Old Henry when the dragon souls were trying to capture them and Henry saved their lives. The young men end upwardly in Dragon Oasis, where everything Jason believed about dragons was turned on its head, equally he met the resistance, people who were out to fight against the dragon souls and who believed in the freedom of dragons. Once back on the mount with Therin pursuing him Jason finds out more than than he predictable as he realises he has dragon sight for a reason! It took me a while to get into the volume equally information technology seemed as though all Jason did was flounder in the water ice and snow of the desolate mountain top where he lived, but once the story finally got going I establish myself engrossed in the tale of the experimentation on the dragon eggs and I am now looking forward to reading farther into the story of the dragon misfits that were created. ...more
January 03, 2020 rated it it was amazing
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

This is an activity packed story in the snowy mountains, where Jason Dreshen lives. He is non like any other, he has one silver eye, that is called the dragon sight. In the village he lives, people fear dragons and Jason's father has been killed by a dragon. He ticks of all the boxes of being a misfit, just on the night of the Freedom Festival, his life changed forever.

He meets a stranger who has 2 silver eyes, h

I received an advance review copy for complimentary, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

This is an action packed story in the snowy mountains, where Jason Dreshen lives. He is not like any other, he has 1 argent eye, that is called the dragon sight. In the village he lives, people fearfulness dragons and Jason's father has been killed by a dragon. He ticks of all the boxes of existence a misfit, but on the nighttime of the Liberty Festival, his life inverse forever.

He meets a stranger who has ii silvery eyes, his proper noun is Therin. Slowly he starts to now the world outside his hamlet, and a urban center filled with dragons, when a storm forced him from the mountain right into the arms of Therin. Only Therin isn't who he claims to be, and when Jason is chased past Dragon Souls, his life is in danger.

When an avalanche forces him to the valley of the mountains, he comes to know that in this urban center the dragons are a myth. It is here, where the pace picks upward, when he is chased by the Dragon Souls. Only he gets help from an unexpected corner to outrun the Dragon Souls.

Now a struggle goes on in Jason between hating the dragons or accepting them for what they are. This story picks up slowly, just when it picks up y'all don't desire to put it downwards. The snow globe is astonishing, having to navigate through an e'er changing landscape. Also exciting when we slowly become drawn into the world of dragons. Are they bad or good? It depends on experience or knowledge of them. Will Jason be able to come to terms with information technology? At that place are and then many twists and unexpected turns in this story.

Will the Dragon Souls capture him or tin can he escape? And why are they up the mountain and so far? What are they looking for? An ice chilling activity,adventure story and a journey to cocky reflection of who Jason really is.

...more than
Beba Andric
Dec 28, 2020 rated it it was amazing
Great offset to a series

A unlike take on a dragon tale, Jason and his family are virtually destitute since his father's decease as they struggle to survive in the harsh cold. Jason has a foreign ability to come across things effectually him others can't, which his father had told him was Dragon sight and to go along information technology underground, yet Jason has one blueish middle and i silver eye. He encountered a stranger, Therin, in his hamlet, who helps him with a friend. He tries to find answers from Therin, who'southward secretive but gives

Great first to a series

A different take on a dragon tale, Jason and his family are virtually destitute since his father's decease as they struggle to survive in the harsh cold. Jason has a strange ability to run across things around him others tin't, which his begetter had told him was Dragon sight and to keep information technology surreptitious, withal Jason has 1 blue eye and 1 argent center. He encountered a stranger, Therin, in his village, who helps him with a friend. He tries to discover answers from Therin, who's secretive but gives Jason a dragon pearl, telling him he needs to connect to it.Thinking he was abased past Therin, he sets off , he is captured past strange men, all accept silver eyes, Dragons souls,who want to enslave him but manages to escape. In his try to evade them, he finds himself near a village and meets William. Presently both of them are running for their lives. A man called Mad Henry helps them merely Therin appears and Jason struggles to know who to trust. Somewhen he and William go with Henry and are led to a beautiful metropolis of Dragons, where Jason learns how the Dragon souls capture and enslave Dragons to their bidding. They are convinced there is a dragon close to Jason'southward village and that Jason can find information technology. Jason leads them to a stream, where they are once once again chased by the dragon souls. Jason somehow connects to a dragon pearl he institute and the 2 of them manage to ward off the attack. He keeps the dragon's presence underground, even from his friends and leaves them to go back to his mother and sister in the hamlet. Jason'southward adventures accept just started and I'g looking forrad to book ii! Thoroughly enjoyable

Heather Turiello
I enjoy D. K Holmberg's work and am always excited to beginning a new series. These books are light reading, geared to a YA audience without all the angsty teen stuff. Character development is definitely at the young developed level, so if you are looking for more gritty high fantasy or sword or sorcery, this book is more similar the Drew Hayes than Mark Lawrence.

Jason lives in a very harsh frozen land, where starvation and freezing to death are a daily business concern. Jason has always known that he's different,

I enjoy D. K Holmberg's work and am always excited to kickoff a new series. These books are low-cal reading, geared to a YA audience without all the angsty teen stuff. Character development is definitely at the young adult level, and then if yous are looking for more gritty high fantasy or sword or sorcery, this book is more similar the Drew Hayes than Mark Lawrence.

Jason lives in a very harsh frozen country, where starvation and freezing to death are a daily concern. Jason has always known that he's different, but in his hamlet, that'south non a proficient thing. His frozen little customs lives hidden in the snowfall, living in a way to avoid dragon attacks.

But this year, during a community celebration of life and survival, some strangers have come to boondocks and Jason'due south simple, just fell, life is rocked by the discovery of dragons living nearby. Many reviews comment well-nigh the slow kickoff to the volume, but to me it served to set the scened for the cadre survival that is top of listen for Jason when he begins to acquire the globe is bigger, more dangerous, and more colorful than the pure white frozen globe he lives in.

Larry Coppock
Mar 18, 2020 rated it it was amazing
Intriguing Kickoff

This book wasn't what I expected. The run of the manufactory dragon book had a hero with dragon friends or existence saved by dragons or even turning into a dragon. I was mildly surprised when none of my normal dragon book expectations occurred. This book was a very long and verbose read yet from the beginning the storyline kept me wondering what adjacent and every bit such kept me reading until I was completely hooked and determined to stick with it. I'm glad it did because it has congenital a solid f

Intriguing Starting time

This book wasn't what I expected. The run of the mill dragon volume had a hero with dragon friends or existence saved past dragons or even turning into a dragon. I was mildly surprised when none of my normal dragon book expectations occurred. This book was a very long and verbose read yet from the beginning the storyline kept me wondering what adjacent and every bit such kept me reading until I was completely hooked and determined to stick with information technology. I'one thousand glad it did because it has built a solid foundation for what I'm sure is to follow. We've a hero not totally into himself, non a physical specimen impervious to danger, or a magnet for success. This hero seems more existent. More adamant. More of the type to abound into. I've become enamored with the story so far and intend to peruse it to it's end. If something dissimilar in dragon stories is desired, I highly recommend this one for starters.

Trijit  Saha
Aug 24, 2020 rated it actually liked information technology
Having read the Cloud Warrior Saga, I looked for something similar and thought why not bank check out Holmberg's other serial? After finding this series, I hoped it would be somewhat similar to the CWS but not an exact re-create, and that'southward exactly what I found.

I institute it a little scrap dull at the start ,though trusting Holmberg, as I got farther in I found information technology really enjoyed the book. Had a like sort of start to the CWS which I enjoyed but was not exactly the same and has some things that are quite diff

Having read the Cloud Warrior Saga, I looked for something similar and thought why non check out Holmberg's other series? After finding this serial, I hoped information technology would be somewhat similar to the CWS but not an verbal re-create, and that'south exactly what I found.

I constitute it a niggling bit ho-hum at the first ,though trusting Holmberg, equally I got further in I found it really enjoyed the book. Had a similar sort of start to the CWS which I enjoyed but was not exactly the same and has some things that are quite different about this series, that I establish quite interesting.

Perhaps, I read this book within 2 days because I hadn't read a fantasy book for a while or just because I hadn't read a good fantasy book for a while, I'one thousand non really sure.

But, if you enjoyed the Cloud Warrior Saga - I'm certain you lot are spring to enjoy the Dragon Misfits series.

Chris Kirkby
January 03, 2020 rated it actually liked it
Building Potential

It'south a slow walk through the mountains in this starting time run a risk, equally we go to know some small part of the main character as his earth slowly expands from the small mount town that he has grown up in to its surrounds.

There is a lot of setup here but pretty much everyone is playing their cards shut the chest other than what we see from the mc, leaving much of those interactions feeling wooden and the other characters feeling very 2D.. stand solitary, information technology's a little crude but I im

Edifice Potential

Information technology's a wearisome walk through the mountains in this first adventure, equally we become to know some small office of the chief graphic symbol as his world slowly expands from the pocket-sized mountain town that he has grown upward in to its surrounds.

There is a lot of setup here but pretty much everyone is playing their cards shut the chest other than what nosotros see from the mc, leaving much of those interactions feeling wooden and the other characters feeling very 2D.. stand solitary, it'southward a little rough merely I imagine this volition affair less as the story progresses in further books, which I practice look forward to.

Alissa Chandler
Drags on forever...

So yea.... the story is a convoluted mess until kindle 2112 ... there is little to no interesting scrap to keep yo involved or even reading. Perchance the author wanted to make clear the absolute hopelessness of the snow capped mountains the main character comes for but honestly information technology was simply deadening. Mind freezing boring ... I skipped a bunch of shite hoping to go to meat... reading every other page then every 3rd page ...
I normally enjoy this author... non this time...
Thankfully I

Drags on forever...

So yea.... the story is a convoluted mess until kindle 2112 ... at that place is picayune to no interesting bit to go along yo involved or even reading. Maybe the author wanted to make clear the absolute hopelessness of the snowfall capped mountains the principal character comes for but honestly it was simply boring. Heed freezing irksome ... I skipped a bunch of shite hoping to get to meat... reading every other folio then every 3rd page ...
I normally enjoy this author... not this fourth dimension...
Thankfully I didn't have to buy this book equally information technology is part of kindle prime. Ugh sheer disappointment

November 27, 2020 rated it liked information technology
Really two.5

The hero is nearly an idiot. It takes a deft manus to have a grapheme be naive but likable. Unfortunately, that is not the case here. Without giving away too much, consider the following equally an instance. The hero withholds information from his allies supposedly to protect another. Notwithstanding, their enemy is aware of the information and the hero knows information technology. He "hopes" that the enemy doesn't render soon. Then, he withholds that same data nigh the enemy from his family unit, "hoping" the enem

Really two.5

The hero is nearly an idiot. It takes a deft manus to have a graphic symbol be naive but likable. Unfortunately, that is not the example hither. Without giving abroad too much, consider the following as an example. The hero withholds information from his allies supposedly to protect another. However, their enemy is enlightened of the information and the hero knows it. He "hopes" that the enemy doesn't render soon. And then, he withholds that same information virtually the enemy from his family, "hoping" the enemy doesn't come up back. Actually??! ROLLING MY EYES. It's articulate the enemy isn't dead. Geez. Stupid, idiotic characters badger me, and using stupidity as a plot device is lazy.

Aug 23, 2021 rated information technology liked it
Over half the book passes before yous meet the dragon, so dragon lovers epic adventurers may be disappointed. The story builds around Jason, a young high mountain villager with one blueish eye and i silverish eye, who hunts to continue his female parent and sister live. The loss of his father, killed by a dragon, has left many scars on Jason and his family; they live in poverty and often face up contemptuousness. An unexpected encounter with the Dragon Souls, who recognize the meaning of his silver centre, draws Jason into dan Over half the book passes earlier you lot run across the dragon, so dragon lovers epic adventurers may be disappointed. The story builds around Jason, a young high mount villager with one blue center and one argent center, who hunts to proceed his mother and sister alive. The loss of his male parent, killed by a dragon, has left many scars on Jason and his family unit; they alive in poverty and often face up scorn. An unexpected run across with the Dragon Souls, who recognize the meaning of his silver eye, draws Jason into danger, a dragon encounter, and a choice that volition fix him on the path to change dragon future books. ...more
Probably closer to 4.five, well written & trots a long at a skilful pace. Any Eragon fans are going to run across more than than a passing familiarity, in fact I would go on to say that this is a ameliorate written twin. The theme is in the title then I'm not giving annihilation abroad by saying I did come across a glaring error, maybe DK will articulate that up if he reads his reviews, the beginning fourth dimension that Jason thinks he sees something it has golden eyes yet when he does finally meet the dragon he has silver eyes?
Not sure how m
Probably closer to 4.5, well written & trots a long at a good footstep. Any Eragon fans are going to run into more than a passing familiarity, in fact I would get on to say that this is a better written twin. The theme is in the title so I'm not giving anything away by saying I did come across a glaring error, mayhap DK will clear that up if he reads his reviews, the first fourth dimension that Jason thinks he sees something it has golden eyes yet when he does finally run across the dragon he has silver optics?
Not sure how many are going to exist in the series but 85% through the second i...
...more than
Oct 18, 2020 rated information technology it was amazing
For me, the near important matter nearly a book is the amount of enjoyment I become out of reading it.

This volume was so much fun!!! Sure, some things were simply a little predictable but I generally don't care about that. The book brought me exactly what I was looking for. Dragons, an hazard and a master graphic symbol that has lots of room for personal growth. I found Jason to be very likable, and the improver off William, though slightly dubious and hasty, had me grinning and groaning through small parts

For me, the about of import thing about a book is the corporeality of enjoyment I get out of reading it.

This volume was so much fun!!! Sure, some things were just a niggling predictable only I generally don't intendance well-nigh that. The volume brought me exactly what I was looking for. Dragons, an adventure and a main graphic symbol that has lots of room for personal growth. I plant Jason to exist very likable, and the improver off William, though slightly dubious and hasty, had me grinning and groaning through small parts of the story.

I am very much looking forward to the next book in the series, Iron Dragon.

...more than
Brooke Templeton
The story line caught my interest but I honestly wasn't certain I'd savor it. I've been leaning towards books with a heroine lately. Nevertheless, I was curious and curiosity lead to captivated. This is story all near self discovery, trusting your instincts and likewise learning who to trust. Ice Dragon is full of mystery and plenty of adventure. Once I started reading I couldn't put it down. I actually think my stepson, who happens to exist named Jason and who loves dragons, would really enjoy this series. I The story line caught my interest but I honestly wasn't certain I'd enjoy information technology. I've been leaning towards books with a heroine lately. However, I was curious and marvel lead to absorbed. This is story all almost self discovery, trusting your instincts and also learning who to trust. Water ice Dragon is full of mystery and plenty of chance. Once I started reading I couldn't put it down. I actually think my stepson, who happens to be named Jason and who loves dragons, would actually enjoy this series. I'yard looking forward to reading "Iron Dragon" next! ...more
Jan 09, 2020 rated it it was amazing
Awesome read

DK is an awesome writer. This book starts out with a swain named Jason. It presently tells of his adventure through an icy mountain and soon finds himself a part of something much bigger than himself. Loved the book. If you lot like suspense, intrigue, and dragons, this is definitely for y'all. I tin can't await to see what all Jason finds out about himself and his part in this new world he finds himself in.

Feb 03, 2020 rated it information technology was ok
Quick review for a slow book

The series might be great, but this book's pacing was a real drag. To sum upwards the kickoff 25% of the story - hero is sad and hungry, dragons are bad but everyone loves dragon wearable, and mountains are actually cold. I appreciate globe edifice and dorsum story, merely all that writing and we become significantly less information than the teaser on the product page.

Perchance it gets better, but I stopped at 30% and have no involvement to continue.

February 03, 2020 rated it liked information technology

A very interesting story, filled with fresh characters and content. There's a lot of potential hither. All in all a expert book, only it did accept a very long time (~70% washed) to find its ground action-wise and actually start moving along. As a offset book though it can be hard to introduce your characters and their environment, and environments don't get much harsher than this ane. I'll stick by to see what happens.

Joanne H
Jan 04, 2020 rated it it was amazing
Dragons, ah such neat creatures. Jason a boy from an isolated village in the snowy mountains. His father was killed in the mountains by a Dragon he thought. He had to exist the provider for his sister and female parent. Jason went looking for game on the mountain but was surprised by some guy hunting dragons. This story is delightful with vivid characters. Proficient storytelling, practiced book, next please.
Jan 18, 2020 rated it it was amazing
Ice dragons do exist

Jason lives in the mountains where there is always snow. He lost his father a year ago and was told a dragon killed him.
A stranger come to his hamlet and there starts his journey.
He finds out almost how his father actually died. He is thrown into
A world of dragons and dragon souls. His life is about to modify

Ryan Mueller
Feb 15, 2020 rated it it was amazing
This book was a great start to some other series by Holmberg. I accept no idea how he manages to write so many good books so quickly, just I'm non complaining.

This ane started out but a little scrap slow, but I cared near the primary grapheme, so that was fine. Once I got near a third of the way through the book, information technology actually picked upwardly, and I binged the remainder of the book.

Rating: 9/10

This book was a groovy start to another serial by Holmberg. I accept no thought how he manages to write so many good books and then speedily, but I'm not complaining.

This one started out just a little chip tiresome, but I cared near the main graphic symbol, so that was fine. Once I got about a third of the way through the volume, it really picked upwards, and I binged the rest of the book.

Rating: nine/x

jonathan rose
Mar sixteen, 2020 rated it really liked information technology
Epic story just very disruptive games fourth dimension to give information on why, when where such and such happened.

T he makings of a good series but few flaws doesn't depict how such powers came about leaves too much to
Imagination only fails at this time to uncover some Mystery but perhaps Leamington a other ti.eastward

Epic story but very confusing games time to requite information on why, when where such and such happened.

T he makings of a good series but few flaws doesn't draw how such powers came most leaves too much to
Imagination only fails at this time to uncover some Mystery only possibly Leamington a other ti.e

Apr 04, 2020 rated information technology actually liked information technology
Water ice dragon

A practiced read. Main characters are interesting. Looking forward to more of their back stories coming out in the next book. Jason is young and is quickly learning that the world around him isn't all he idea it was. The earth of dragons is more than complicated than he idea.

Water ice dragon

A good read. Principal characters are interesting. Looking forrad to more than of their back stories coming out in the next book. Jason is young and is chop-chop learning that the world around him isn't all he thought it was. The globe of dragons is more than complicated than he thought.

Sapna Desai
April fourteen, 2020 rated it it was astonishing

I beloved fantasy books by D.K. Holmberg. This is an awesome story with gripping narrative, not too ho-hum and I only tin can't aid myself from trying to finish the book in the shortest possible time, hard to put it downward once you start reading. Looking forward to reading the side by side in the series 😊


I dear fantasy books by D.1000. Holmberg. This is an awesome story with gripping narrative, not also boring and I merely can't help myself from trying to finish the book in the shortest possible time, difficult to put it down one time yous start reading. Looking forward to reading the next in the series 😊


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